Tuesday, 21 January 2025

The Walls That Won't Move...

Sometimes we find ourselves in places we never wanted to be. Frustrating places. Places where things seem to be stuck more than they move. Places where we can't do what we thought God was calling us to. 

Lately I have been reading the book of Exodus and God has been giving me faith to believe that He will move some of these seemingly unmovable barriers. 

You see, the Israelites were in bondage for years. They suffered under the harsh yoke of Egypt and cried out to God. Did God hear them? Absolutely. They were His people. Did He shake heaven and earth and come down immediately? No. He waited over 400 years. 400 years of work and dirt and pain and crying. Why didn't He come sooner? I don't know, but He knew what He was doing. 

I have learned a lot through waiting in my life. It seems to me that when we as Christians camp beside walls that God has allowed to be there and begin praying with fervor and patience, it changes us in ways we never expected. Sometimes God leaves a few walls in order to bring us to a spot of complete dependence on Him and trust in His timing instead of ours. It may look difficult and be outright frustrating, but I know my God enough to know that He is doing a couple things behind the scenes. And when the time is right, He will bring the wall down in the way only He can. 

You see, He could have had another nation come and kill the Egyptians or do it in some other regular way, but no, when God delivered His people, it was unmistakable who had accomplished it. He used a death angel, spoke through two simple men, and then collapsed some walls of water on an army. His way, not the Israelites'; not according to common sense, but His. 

We all have walls in our lives. People that don't change, bad habits to overcome, physical ailments, financial difficulties, family problems, trauma, waiting to step into our life's calling, and the list could go on. Just remember that there is nothing that escapes the eye of our Creator. He is  accomplishing His perfect purpose in you and the lives of the people around you. Keep believing, keep trusting, keep waiting. Hold out an arm of faith and watch God bring the wall down in His time and His way.



  1. Amen to this! Well-spoken, my friend. Yes...waiting teaches us so much.

  2. I love this. Reminds me of what I read this morning about keeping faith in God even when prayers take many years to be answered.


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