Friday, 31 January 2025

What If?

I was reading some books tonight that I ordered from Voice of the Martyrs, and to say I was challenged is an understatement. It wrenched me to the core. I mean, how could it not, when I read about people, namely my brothers and sisters in the faith, laying down their lives, being tortured, enduring imprisonment, etc. while I sit here comfortably in America, sometimes too timid to share my faith because of what my family or friends would think. And then I think about the fact that North Korean Christians who share their faith only have a 3 month life-expectancy. I mean really! I begin to wonder what I am doing?

I fear too many of us are lukewarm, back-slidden, focused more on Instagram and novels than the Bible, spending more time in leisure activities than with the broken, and more consumed with our friends than Jesus. Yet, we claim the name of Christian and wave it like a banner. There are still many of us in North America who hold the Name of Christ as our victory. 

And yet, what victory? Isn't it one that was bought with blood? One that was purchased by a simple godly Carpenter who lived in mockery and solid opposition for nearly all of His ministry? I would think that something that cost so much would also cause us to pay a high price in return.

But sometimes I wonder if we can ever truly understand the price when we are paying so little. I believe very few of us have truly identified with the suffering of our Lord like our brothers and sisters in persecuted countries. And it brings me to my knees begging my Lord for His anointing, His heart, His truth, and His fire. 

If only we as His people would burn with His Spirit and walk in His ways. Imagine the revival that would come to our communities, churches, and nations. Imagine how powerfully He would work and the lives that would be changed. Oh, if only we would fall on our knees and beg Him to take us as we are and mold us to be like Him. Oh, if only we would be willing to let go of all to follow and never look back.

THEN we would see Him work.

What if...

1 comment:

  1. Refreshing and inspiring post. Sometimes it takes the martyrs and the persecuted to shake us up to reality. Thanks, Corrine!


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