Tuesday, 24 December 2024

How About We Quit Fakin' It

I see you. 

The young teenager, struggling to feel loved or worth it. 

Why do I make all these stupid mistakes anyway? Everyone must think I'm a failure.

I see you.

The young father desperately trying to make ends meet and provide for his rapidly growing family. 

What kind of man can't provide for his own family? I'm such a loser. 

I see you. 

The one in charge of the food committee. Frantically organizing each event to a T and making sure every demand is met because...

What will people think and I can't let them see how disorganized I actually am?!

I see you. 

The one who is always happy and go-lucky and has a ready smile. But underneath, the pain is deeper than you would ever care to admit or look at. 

No one would love me if they knew. It's too embarrassing anyway.

I see you. 

The one who is terrified of stepping out and trying that new thing or leading the pack.

I'll make a mistake and look foolish. What will people say?

And so we hide inside our safe places, stuck by the question, "What will people think?"  We pretend all is fine and good, but inside we are crying and screaming to be understood, loved, and accepted. After all, everyone else has it all together so why wouldn't I?

Perhaps it is time to let down some of those walls and let a couple people close to us get a glimpse inside. After all, they have noticed the cracks for years and are more than ready to help. We all know those relaxed people who openly agree to their shortcomings but seem to be at peace being less than perfect. The question is, "Will you dare?"

Will you dare to be vulnerable and take the risk of looking foolish? Will you dare to be humble enough to need help? Will you be courageous enough to admit you don't have it all together. 

And Jesus will find You, at the end of Your rope, in the midst of Your pain, in face of your fear. But you must let Him and His people in. The risk is high but the reward is great. ❤️

What happens when people open their hearts? They get better. - Haruki Murakami

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