Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Give It Your All!

Since 6:30 in the morning is too early for some people to focus, I did my devotions when I got home from school this afternoon :) For some unknown reason I pulled out the book by Elizabeth George titled A Young Woman's Call To Prayer and started reading it. (She is an amazing author by the way and if you haven't read her books there's always a first time!) While I was reading, it suddenly hit me that God wants me to give Him everything I've got. I mean it's not hard to give talents, belongings, and even time, but what about my reputation and pride. He wants that too! Jesus was shamed, mocked, and rejected just for me so why shouldn't I be willing to look a little stupid for the glory of His Name? Every Christian says they want God in the center of their lives but if we think about other things 3/4's of the time, sleep through our devotions, and just do enough "good stuff" to get by I don't think we understand the deep, never-ending type of commitment that God wants from us. I'm not professing to have all the answers because I don't. But I want to challenge you to aim high. (You'll never get to heaven if you don't aim for it :) Follow Jesus with everything you've got and hold nothing back. Give it your all friend!! A crown is waiting just for you :)

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness."  2 Timothy 4:7

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