Sunday, 24 March 2024

He Sees...

Rain comes down in raging torrents
Like the tears of God.
Puddling on the ground in rivers
Like His gentle love.

Rushing to the sea in torrents
Like His mighty arm.
Strong to save and rescue all
The small forgotten ones.

Injustice is all noted by 
The tender eye of God.
He holds His dear ones to His heart
And keeps them in His love.

The tears of each small lonely child 
Are cupped within His hands.
He weeps from heaven as He waits
With angels at command.

He sees their pain and watches close
To shelter them from harm.
Just like the sparrows, He knows them,
And keeps them in His arms.

He shepherds them so safely on
And bends to touch their hearts.
He holds them oh so gently close
Although we're far apart. ❤️

God sees the children. Those hurting in abusive relationships, ignored in broken families, terrified in war-torn countries, and starving in poverty-stricken places. 

Sometimes we have a chance to love some of these little souls for awhile. Let us be assured that God's eye is on each of them and we are responsible to love those He brings to us. When they leave us, He keeps them. 💔

One heart at a time. 

1 comment:

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