Sunday, 24 March 2024

He Sees...

Rain comes down in raging torrents
Like the tears of God.
Puddling on the ground in rivers
Like His gentle love.

Rushing to the sea in torrents
Like His mighty arm.
Strong to save and rescue all
The small forgotten ones.

Injustice is all noted by 
The tender eye of God.
He holds His dear ones to His heart
And keeps them in His love.

The tears of each small lonely child 
Are cupped within His hands.
He weeps from heaven as He waits
With angels at command.

He sees their pain and watches close
To shelter them from harm.
Just like the sparrows, He knows them,
And keeps them in His arms.

He shepherds them so safely on
And bends to touch their hearts.
He holds them oh so gently close
Although we're far apart. ❤️

God sees the children. Those hurting in abusive relationships, ignored in broken families, terrified in war-torn countries, and starving in poverty-stricken places. 

Sometimes we have a chance to love some of these little souls for awhile. Let us be assured that God's eye is on each of them and we are responsible to love those He brings to us. When they leave us, He keeps them. 💔

One heart at a time. 

Monday, 11 March 2024

My Dream...

I wish that I could change the world
Into a better place. 
I want to rescue all the kids
Who're ruthlessly displaced. 

I want to hold them, stop their cry
Replace it with some love.
If I could only take them in
And build a home of love. 

I guess I'd build a cottage
At a place beside the sea, 
So they could see God's handiwork
And play out on the lea.

Oh, I would need some workmates though
Who'd help me change some diapers, 
And cooks and bakers who would take,
The time for little fingers. 

I'd also bring the homeless in
(Perhaps we'd need expansion.)
I guess I'd need a carpenter
With cash hid in his apron!

And then I'd bring a pianist,
To add some joyful noise.
Of course there'd be a doctor too,
To bandage careless boys. 

If that were done, I'd fetch the teens
Who stand behind Tim Hortons.
I'd bring them home and play some chess,
While listening to their problems. 

I guess we'd need some more adults
To help with adolescents.
It really is a tricky thing,
To navigate those changes. 

Oh yes, I'd bring a preacher too
Who'd get down on their level.
And help them see the God above 
Who loves them from His heaven. 

Perhaps we'd also add a wing
For dear old lonely ladies,
Who pet their cats and sit and stew,
Abandoned by their families.

To that, we'd add a room for plants
So they could have some flowers. 
The children could learn much from them
And cheer their lonesome hours. 

Oh wouldn't it be completely grand
If all these dreams were true?
You see it just might be the dream
Of One who rescued you. 

I think He'd like to bring the boys 
And girls from off the street.
I'm sure He'd care about the lost
Teens living in defeat. 

So shall we go and help Him make
His glorious dream come true?
Perhaps we should begin by prayer
And ask, "What shall I do?"

If we would all go down the street
With eyes and hearts edged wide.
I think we'd find a lot of folks
That we could bring inside. 

You take your mansion, I'll use mine.
And rather than one place,
We'll reach the people all around 
And help them find God's grace. 

I think He'd be quite pleased if we,
Would bring His children home.
He really doesn't like to leave
Them crying all alone. 

You are a child of God the King.
You have His highest favour
I know there's more who'd like to come
And let Him be their Saviour

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40b

How Can We Stop Being Afraid of Each Other?

This question was posed at one of our youth discussions in reference to being open and honest with others versus carefully guarded about all...