Saturday, 17 February 2024

Bring Them Jesus 🩷

A couple days ago, as I was spending some time talking with God, a picture came to my mind. I saw a large, hairy beast, with gray leather skin, growing bigger and bigger in front of me. He didn't really look that ugly, but he took up space. A lot of it.

I recognized the representation. Just like the big beast in front of me, that gradually and steadily presented itself, Satan has been taking over North America. The trouble is, he really doesn't look that horrible at first glance; he just takes up space. He twists a bit here, moves a little there, smudges a couple lines and it's really not too bad. After all, small details don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Until one day, things do look horrible. We look back and realize that Satan has been deceitfully scheming all along to crowd out as much of God as possible.

I believe North America has slowly been hijacked by the Devil himself. He likes nothing better than to twist leaders in parliament, sell souls to the gods of entertainment, money, and fun, and render influential public organizations void of morals. He has stuck his sticky fingers into marriages, families, and churches. Warped, torn, and trapped until suddenly there was not much of God left. The ashes, pain, and absolute brokenness he has left in his wake require a miracle of aid.

We see children, confused when their family and security is broken by divorce, teenagers selling themselves to cheap love and entertainment simply because they don't know any better way, and older people bent on making the top dollar because they've been taught that's what matters. Our world is in disaster because they've left God behind. Let those of us who still have Him, remind them of who He is.
    Oh Christian friends. We owe it to them to help. We owe it to them to make a difference. We carry the Light within us. We have so much to share, so much to give, so much to care with. Let us give our lives for this cause. There is no nobler or greater calling than that of rescuing spiritual souls from the brink of destruction. Reach them where they are. Hear their pain, share in their stories, and bring them JESUS! Oh bring them Jesus. He is able to shatter darkness, mend broken hearts, and redeem lost situations. He will miraculously change the impossible, restore the shattered, and bring hope to the hopeless. Oh let us bring them Jesus.🩷 

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