Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Jesus' Church

I watch the world and my heart breaks,
At all the things I see.
And I believe that Jesus Christ
Is equally displeased. 

He sees the people in the church
Who care for earthly things. 
The ones who live for selfish gains,
Ignoring heavenly things. 

They break His Name's amazing fame
And crush it into dust.
The world looks closely and reacts
In violent disgust

If that is Jesus, what's the point
Of giving up their lives,
To something that shows selfishness
And lies and sullen pride?

And Jesus weeps because His Church
Is torn, scratched, and marred.
Buckled into worldly things,
Poor and blindly scarred.

And then He looks at broken folks
Scattered o'er the globe.
Begging for someone to care
And help their anguished souls. 

He turns around to view His church
And feels a slight dismay,
For only some have turned their gaze
To fight in heaven's fray. 

If only more would hear the call
And march ahead with Him.
To see the people that still cry, 
"Christians bring us in!"

The Shepherd stands with arms outstretched,
Waiting for His Bride.
He gave his life to win us all.
We owe Him all our lives. 💗

Only Fifteen...

I believe he was. A young hooded man with white headphones covering his ears, crossing the street in front of me. He was oblivious to my presence until I bluntly asked him a question, "Have you ever thought about what will happen after you die?" 

Looking back, I am still amazed at my boldness! But what I really remember, is his answer, or lack thereof, to that question. 

He turned to face me out of his music reverie with an utterly blank look on his face. A few more questions led to the knowledge that he really had never truly considered this question before. I guess the thought of life after death was foreign territory to him. 

As I left that conversation behind me, a certain horror was edged into my heart that has never left. I realized the utter depravity of many youth in our world. Many in our culture are practically Bible illiterate. The last Bible verses have floated away with their grandparents, leaving them to movies, social media of all kinds, and sports to take the place of truth. Little time is left to think about eternity or why we are here on earth in the first place. Life becomes a rat race for fun instead of pursuing a relationship with God the Creator. 

I have never left my love or concern for teenagers behind. As I teach them in school, talk to them at youth, meet them on the streets, and see them at their jobs, I care about them more deeply than ever. I believe that each youth has a deep calling on their life. To know Jesus Christ and to walk out a life of love and devotion to Him. Of course, each one also has a special calling in accordance with the gifts the Spirit gives. As churches, we do well to bless and disciple our youth as they reach out in discovery of God's plan for their lives. 

When I see young people neglected or going down the wrong path, I can't help but feel torn. A couple years ago, my family sang in a prison in South Carolina. That evening the house was packed out with an unusually young crowd. The inmates in that prison were aged 17 and up, with some of them reaching into their 30s and 40s. They were enthusiastic and clapped well, but I remember leaving that service with a single question. Why?

I spoke with God on that one for a bit. Why did I get to have the upbringing I had? Why did I get to attend church every Sunday, have two loving parents, and receive godly discipline and guidance while many of these young men came from homes with substance abuse, divorce and absent parents, poverty, half siblings and step-parents, gang violence, homelessness, etc. etc. Seriously! Why? Life seemed completely unfair! But as I persisted in my questioning, God clearly communicated. "Corrine, I gave it so you could share it. You are supposed to go to those who don't have what you do. Show them my love. Show them that I want to know them."

And there was the call, as clear as that. Ever since, Jesus and I have walked together to fulfill that in a variety of ways. The world is calling for us, desperate for what we have.
They are hungry for our Bread and thirsting for our Water. We must go. ❤️

<a href="">Account Stock photos by Vecteezy</a>

Thursday, 13 June 2024

Will You be That Place?

According to John Elfleim on Statista, mosquitoes are the deadliest animal in the world. They cause around 1,000,000 deaths per year by bringing viruses such as malaria, the West Nile Virus, and dengue viruses. Snakes are the second deadliest animal, causing around 100,000 deaths per year while dogs come in at 300,000 and lions at 250.

I quote these statistics to bring out a point. In my short (getting longer) existence among the human population I have observed a syndrome I will call "back-biting". I do believe it is one of the deadliest killers among mankind. It wrecks churches, stifles marriages, wreaks havoc on friendships, and brings catastrophe in work places. 

I was doing a bit of reading in 1 Corinthians 13 and came across verse 5 which states, "thinketh no evil." Now there is a place to simply face the facts and call out sin, but if your brother's financial sense just isn't want it ought to be, or your sister's dress is an inch to short, perhaps it would be wisest to retreat into your prayer closer and do a bit of digging and praying. 

Dig into your heart (or I should say allow God to) deep enough to release any poisonous pride and jealousy. Then bend low enough to allow that brother or sister to be more important than you. ( Philippians 2:3) Consider their feelings, their spiritual well-being and their hearts. Bring them to the Father and let Him do the work. He can do far more than any tongue-wagging has ever accomplished. 

<a href="">Meaning Stock photos by Vecteezy</a>

The second thing we need to consider is the issue of safety. I believe that silence is a quiet killer in many places. Because there is the potential of back-biting, many victims of abuse, people who are simply struggling in life, and people who have a vision for change remain silent. Silent for fear they will be judged, shot down, and ostracized. Silent for fear all the neighbours and fellow church members will be clued into the very deepest and vulnerable parts of their heart.

I believe that as Christians it is our duty and our calling to be a safe place for people. A place for people to be heard and understood. A place where they can truly speak their innnermost thoughts and feelings without fear or condemnation. It requires setting ourselves aside and letting the heart of Jesus be foremost. 

The question is...Will you be that place?

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

What is Too Safe?

I have been doing some pondering lately... About many topics, people, cultures, etc. In the process, I have come up with more questions than answers and probably more sighing than delight. 

One of the questions I have is, "How sheltered is too safe?"

Over my career of teaching, I have come across a large variety of parents from different cultures, different family settings, different churches, different countries, etc. Since I have taught in only the Christian School settings, I have encountered mostly Christian parents, who are trying hard to teach their children godly principles and values. 

Many are succeeding well. I have learned that a large variety of techniques can be successful when raising children. Some children require only a soft word of correction, while others require a firm hand or some other style or rebuke.

I have heard parents stressing, wondering if their children would ever learn or turn around, I have seen them in their proud and happy moments when their child does something well or finally understands a lesson. 

Parenthood, has to be one of the most beautiful, albeit complicated, parts of life. Although I have never been a parent, I have got glimpses here and there into the parental role and it's complexities.

One of the questions I have begun asking over the course of years is the one stated above. How safe, is too safe? As Christian people and probably especially as Mennonites, we like to see ourselves as separate from the world around us. This statement takes on a large variety of definitions, based on people's opinions, cultural upbringing, as well as church view which all conglomerate together to become their overall worldview.

I have worked with students who have a decently broad worldview. They may have grown up beside neighbour kids whose parents were divorced or they may even have gone to public school for a grade or two and seen a mirage of things that the Bible would deem as sin. They are well aware that life is far from perfect, people are broken and that evil is abounding around us. I have also taught students on the other side of the spectrum. Their parents meticulously guard what books they read, turn the TV screen off and the only social life they have is church friends and cousins. 

Now before I begin to criticize one or another, let me say this. Both are heavily impacted by circumstance. Both, however, are circumstances, that the parents control to a pretty broad degree. 

My goal in writing this is not to cast judgement, but rather to make some observations, albeit opinions, and let each one come to their own consensus. 

I have taught some children who have no idea how to relate to someone who hasn't grown up in church because they've never met one. Then I have other students, who pick the neglected or newcomer out in the blink of an eye and go over to welcome them. What is the difference? Some of it is personality, but a big part of it is parental influence. The parents who bless their children with a love and concern for all people regardless of religion or church affiliation or habits, do them a big favour. Sin is still sin, but all people are on the same plane, aside from the grace of God. Children should be taught that the inside is what God values most highly, not the outside. Teaching them to value other ways of doing things will help them walk in humility. Their way may not be the only right one. Above all, showing them other ways of life and speaking about others in an accepting way.

I believe that a couple's parenting style ought to reflect what they want their children to become. If they are to be upbuilding Christians in the Church, then by all means, they must be immersed in church culture, taught to honour pastors and Sunday School teachers, and be surrounded with good friends. If, on the other hand, parents want them to be compassionate to people in the world around us they must add an additonal layer to this. They must be exposed to the world to some degree. Now I do not mean dragging them to the local bar and showing them what happens when people drink a little too much. No, I'm talking about taking them to the homeless shelter and serving a meal. Inviting the neighborhood family for lunch. Taking cookies to a family in need. Letting them see you care for others. If a parent's words are words of condemnation towards "outsiders" their children will begin to shun people who are different and learn that they are the only ones who are correct and righteous. If children are to have a heart for the unfortunate and be able to accept and love people in different cultures, they must be taught by the love and respect in a parental figure.  

And now I will insert a wee little section for the teenagers. I love teenagers... A lot. 

Here is one of my favorite ones. 🤗

They are going through what could be dubbed as one of the most complicated seasons of life.  For them... and their parents.. 

As young children become teenagers, they begin to question things they have never questioned before. They dream of things they have never dreamt of before. They also realize that their parents and other authorities are not as perfect as they once thought they were. This creates a complicated conundrum. Many teens do not know what to do with this newfound information and begin to rebell or act out in misunderstandable ways. Others simply shut down and become unresponsive. Parents, on the other hand may feel threatened and put up walls of defense or try to "shut down" their teenager's wild ideas. I have heard the despair and confusion on both sides. As an observer, mentor, and sometimes simply a listening ear, I have tried to learn a few things and taken the Bible's advice into consideration. Here are a few notes for thought:

To the parents: Your teenager really wants you to listen to their ideas, hear their hopes, and hear their dreams. They really feel frustrated and "squished when you ignore them, just tell them to grow up, or insinuate that they're too young to have an opinion. They are having a hard time understanding themselves and don't need extra condemnation. You will not get it all right. (I have yet to meet a parent who has), but pray without ceasing, and love in abundance. 

God used many a young and inexperienced soul in His ministry and He has a calling for your teenager. The disciples were only half-grown young men when Jesus called them to follow Him. (Have you ever thought about whether you would have let your 16 year old follow a random fascinating man around town?! 😏) Samuel was only a boy when God used him and actually rebuked the elderly Eli. There is much wisdom in listening to those older and wiser than those of us who are younger, but teenagers have dreams, teenagers have ideas, and teenagers have energy. It is the perfect time to let them use it.

To the teenagers: The Bible speaks much about children obeying parents, honoring authority, listening to the elders, etc. So, I believe with all due respect, we should honour whoever is in authority over us. Indeed, God has put them there. Remember, that your parents raised you and brought you to the point you now. Bless them and respect them for it. There will be some things that will make sense in a few years. At the same time, it is important to know why you do what you do and what truth actually is. Wrestle with those questions and seek God for answers. Challenge beliefs as needed but always do so in a spirit of humility and respect. Your role is to learn and adventure into all that God has made you to be. Not to change your parents into what you wish them to be! Pray for authorities. They need it and are not perfect. Someday, you may be in their role. 🙂 You are precious and God has a plan for you. 

In conclusion, "Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, for love covers a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8 and "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:2

Much love to all. ❤️ May God give us wisdom as we walk this journey of life together! 

How Can We Stop Being Afraid of Each Other?

This question was posed at one of our youth discussions in reference to being open and honest with others versus carefully guarded about all...