Sunday, 29 July 2018

Shipwrecked Lives

I was reading Acts 27 this morning where it details the account of Paul the Apostle, travelling on a ship from Caesarea to Italy. As it turns out, the ship runs into a hellish storm and they are shipwrecked on the island of Melita. Paul, who had originally advised the sailors to abandon the entire trip, encourages them through the storm and tells them that God has revealed that no lives will be lost on this journey.

When I reached the end of the chapter I asked in a half-spoken tone. "Lord, what shall I learn from this?" Immediately the verse "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved," (Acts 16:31) popped into my mind. As I contemplated this verse, an old poem I had penned when I was fifteen years old played in my memory.

The Lighthouse

It stood alone on the dark dismal shore,
Waiting for its owner's return.
Suddenly it heard a ship crash on the rocks,
And it tried to make its silent light burn.

Its attempts were in vain so it finally gave up,
Watching dismally as more ships came in.
As they tossed on the waves and crashed on the shore,
A sound rose above the loud din.

Those lovely notes were the Master's own voice,
Assurance and love ringing clear.
His hands deftly lit that dark silent light,
And it shone with a message of cheer.

And so like that lighthouse, our lives are today,
And without the kind Master's touch.
We'll flounder in darkness, lost in our sin, 
Lacking that life-giving touch.

But if we'll call out and answer his call,
He'll reach down and honour our cry.
And our lives will shine with the love that He gives,
Till we reach that grand home on high.

-Corrine Horst 

Perhaps your life is shipwrecked today. You may have fallen into sin or be bound in darkness having never experienced freedom, joy, and light from Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World. If that is the case and you would like to find hope, feel free to send me a comment via this blog or connect with a Christian close to you. Jesus truly is the Way, The Truth, and the Light. He can dispel all shadows of darkness and lift you to life and light.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

When God is Silent...

When God is silent
I trust He is with me.
When God is silent
I know He is near.
When God is silent
I keep moving forward.
When God is silent
I trust He is here.
When God is silent
I give Him my future.
When God is silent
I trust in Him still.
When God is silent
I know He is able
When God is silent
I wait for His will.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ~ Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." ~ Isaiah 55:9 NIV

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Choose You This Day...

It is time to begin anew. To release this poor, prodigal, blog from its low dormant position to new heights of life and inspiration. As the contemplative writer of Ecclesiastes writes, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. (3:1&4)

Recently I've been inspired by the ability and freedom our Creator has given us to make choices and  my ponderings have given way to this little blurb.

I am free. Free to choose. To decipher which way to take, which avenue to walk down, which road to take in life. I can choose my own way, another’s way, or the way of a Sovereign God. All these routes have consequences, all these ways serve a different god. I can choose to serve myself and live a comfortable life here on earth with nothing left to show at the end of it except the pleasure I experienced, or I can choose to serve God, give to others, endure hardship and receive an everlasting reward. The pull of my selfish flesh scares me. I realize how easy it would be to go my own way. To dismiss responsibility and self-discipline; to live merely for pleasure and self-gratification. The decision is real. "Choose you this day whom you will serve."

It amazes me at times how God has allowed us the freedom to choose. Even though He is fully aware of our humanity and knows we might choose wrongly He gives us this privilege. He knows that following His will and walking in fellowship with Him is the best route for us and will protect us from sin and the pain that comes with it. However, He gives us the choice. To me this proves how much God desires our allegiance and love. He would never force us to love Him yet He wants desperately for us to come to Him. So much so, that He sent His Son Jesus to repair the gap that our sin has left. He loves You my friend. More than You can imagine, more than You can comprehend.  Won't You say yes to Him? He's waiting with open arms.

How Can We Stop Being Afraid of Each Other?

This question was posed at one of our youth discussions in reference to being open and honest with others versus carefully guarded about all...