Saturday, 29 June 2013

My All In All...

Today I stand amazed... In awe of God's presence, of His strength, of His great faithfulness. The simple reality of His love and forgiveness brings peace and calm. It's exciting to read His word and hear what He has to say. To spend time with Him each morning listening, speaking, and simply letting it all soak in in preparation for the day. But at the same time I remember a time when it wasn't this way. A time when I wrestled with simply believing that God is real. A time when I questioned the very core of everything I believed. A time when living was a task I simply dragged through, snatching a few moments of fun with no real goal in mind. But as I thought about it today I was reminded of so many times when God was faithful in showing Himself to me even though I didn't necessarily realize it at the time. Whether it was verses that He brought to my attention or people that He put in my life to encourage and challenge. Through everything I say God Is Faithful! It may not look like it in your life right now. Maybe you have a sin that you feel is too large for God to forgive, a temptation that you keep giving in to, or maybe God is simply quiet and you're beginning to wonder where He's gone. Let me share Hebrews 13:5 where God says, "I will never leave you or forsake you." And let me say when God makes a promise He WILL keep it. He is a God of grace. One of love, One of peace, and One of hope. He loves you and He has a great plan for your life. Just let Him have it! All of it.... And He will give you joy and peace in this dark world. He is your HOPE. The only One who will fulfil and satisfy. Come to Him with an open heart and a humble spirit. Allow Him to fill you and free you, to make you whole and complete. He loves you!

How Can We Stop Being Afraid of Each Other?

This question was posed at one of our youth discussions in reference to being open and honest with others versus carefully guarded about all...